Fitness Is Over Your Shoulder

Apple looking to hire exercise physiologist, may point to fitness-tracking ‘iWatch’

With origins in China, it was popularised in the early 20th century by American sportsmen, including boxing legend Muhammad Ali , who included reverse running in their training. While it is a relatively new trend in India, Europe has been reverse running for long, with half-marathons dedicated to the sport. Balancing act If running wasn’t challenging enough, retro running pushes the envelope further since it throws an added challenge of keeping an eye on the world behind you to avoid colliding into those walking towards you. This, however, hasn’t deterred reverse runners like 22-year old media professional Sarvesh Talreja, who has now learnt to dodge oncoming crowds and unsuspecting pets on a walk. “I learnt about retro running online,” says Talreja, who adopted it because he found it was easier on his knees.
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Top fitness trends for 2014

Plank to palm: Lower to forearm plank, elbows under shoulders, forearms straight out in front of you, feet hip distance apart, knees off floor. Try not to swivel hips during movements. Raise up to regular plank position, right hand, then left hand. Lower to forearm plank position, right forearm, then left forearm. Switch sides.

Interested applicants need a broad understanding of tools used to monitor and measure physiological data, as well as experience with indirect calorimetry to measure how much energy people expend while exercising. While Apple is known to offer extensive health benefits to its employees including on-site workout facilities and personal training options the new position will be focused on running studies that will be used to develop new products, according to the posting. That matches up with speculation that the still-unannounced iWatch will be centered around biometrics and fitness tracking. Noted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo was first to raise that theory, and Apple has backed it up with a string of hires in the fitness and medical sensor fields including Nike FuelBand consultant and fitness expert Jay Blahnik and, most recently , former Philips sleep researcher Dr.
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Or it can be as simple as running as fast as you can for 1 minute, then walking for 2 minutes, repeating that 3-minute interval five times. (Conduct an Internet search of “Tabata” for other options.) Shape magazine says a mere 15 minutes of interval training, three times a week, can deliver better results than jogging on a treadmill for an hour. In addition to preserving muscle while burning fat, these workouts have been found to boost metabolism in the 24 hours afterward. Integrated exertion Rather than scheduling exercise, many are finding ways to distribute exercise over the course of their day, said Jay Cardiello, a celebrity trainer and nutrition expert (
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